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Lurgan Model Integrated

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Week 2

Week Beginning Monday 19th February 2024. We settled back into routine after our mid term break and enjoyed lots of fun activities in class this week. We are all working hard on our individual learning targets in literacy and numeracy, and we particularly enjoy our choice play activities after these work sessions. In our world around us lessons this week we were learning about the seal and the Inuit community which live in the Arctic. We were fascinated to learn that these people speak their own language, Inuktitut, and that they use snowmobiles and kayaks to travel around, as well as sledges pulled by husky dogs. We completed an observational drawing of a seal in our art lesson, using pastels to add colour, and we also created our own Inuit person... each one had a familiar face 😃 PE and iPad lessons were a big hit this week, as usual! Well done for working so well in class this week everyone ⭐️
