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Lurgan Model Integrated

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Child Protection

Safeguarding Team


The school's Safeguarding Team is currently as follows: 


Name     Role in School Safeguarding Team Role 



Principal Head of Safeguarding Team



Vice-Principal Designated Teacher for Child Protection



 SENCODeputy-Designated Teacher for Child Protection


F McKerr

GovernorDesignated Governor for Child Protection


T Enderby

GovernorChairperson - Board of Governors


Whilst the Safeguarding Team has overall responsibility for safeguarding duties, the protection and safeguarding of children remains the duty of all staff. Staff receive regular training on Safeguarding & Child Protection, in line with current guidance. The school follows all statutory duties and guidance from The Department of Education and Education Authority as appropriate.


If you have a concern regarding a child, please speak to a member of the Safeguarding Team immediately or contact Gateway (information leaflet below). The school has also produced its own leaflet as a quick reference guide.

The school has recently reviewed its Child Protection Policy and procedures and does so on a regular basis. A copy of the Child Protection policy can be requested free at any time from the designated teacher Mrs L Spence, and in her absence the deputy designated teacher Mrs McKinney. 

The following leaflets from Southern Health & Social Care Trust Gateway Service may also be useful. 

Contacting Social Services

For all new referrals, enquiries or information contact the Duty Team:
Tel: 028 3741 5285
Or Freephone (from landlines only):
0800 783 7745

Other Child Protection/Gateway Contacts

Armagh and Dungannon Team

‘E’ Floor
South Tyrone Hospital
Carland Road
Dungannon BT71 4AU

028 3756 5345


Craigavon and Banbridge Team

Brownlow H&SS Centre
Craigavon BT65 5BE

028 3756 0707


Newry and Mourne Team

Dromalane House
Dromalane Road
Newry BT35 8AP

028 3756 4700

NPSCC's Speak Out, Stay Safe Programme
