In our Social Communication Class we aim to create a caring and child centred community where all pupils are offered challenging experiences that enable them to develop skills and knowledge at their own levels, explore the environment around them and the world in which they live, learn to express themselves with confidence and develop social skills and abilities.
We value the individual nature of each child and the unique personalities they have.
Important Reminders:
If your child is going to be absent from school please ensure that you let us know by telephoning the school office or leaving a message via the absence section on the school website (choose the 'Parents' tab then 'Report your child Absent').
Please make sure that your child is booked for school dinner or packed lunch each day of the week on the Eduspot School Money App. School Dinner costs £2.60 per day. Advice and help on how to use this app can be found on the School Website, in the 'School Meals & Lunch Menu' section under the 'Parents' tab. You can also view the School Dinner Menu here.
Remember to check your child's schoolbag every day! Any homework activities should be signed and dated by a parent / guardian / adult in charge.
Homework Folders should be brought to school each day. Your child's homework booklets, homework diary, reading book and HFW pencil case should stay inside the folder and be brought to school each day also. If your child completes a Friday Recap, books will be sent home on a Friday for you to check and sign. These should be returned to school on a Monday morning.
Communication - we are using The School App to send messages to parents. Please make sure that you have downloaded this to help keep up to date with all that is happening. Remember to check this regularly for updates and messages. Photographs will be uploaded on the school website for you to get a snapshot of what your child is getting up to and learning in class.
Please take time each day with your child to talk about what happens in class. Try to work on independent self help skills such as taking off and putting on own jumper, putting on and zipping up coats, putting on and taking off shoes and tidying things away. Make sure all items of clothing sent to school are named.
We love to learn but we love to have fun in our class too!
Keep checking our class page for regular photo updates!