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Week 2

WB: 9/10/23. We had lots of fun in class this week. We all worked really well on our literacy and numeracy activities, and we are learning how to be more independent at the workstation area. We talked about the homes we live in and made a bar chart on the computer. We talked about the most popular and least popular type of house to live in - the most popular was a semi-detached house! We also enjoyed learning more about Harvest and our feelings e.g. happy and sad. We particularly enjoyed outdoor play with our peers, and music lessons with the the glockenspiels was fun 😀 Well done everyone for your hard work this week ⭐️👏

The World Around Us Science Investigation.... our topic is houses and homes. We read the story of the three little pigs and talked about the houses they made out of straw, sticks and bricks. We planned and carried out our own investigation to build different houses using a range of materials and see which would be the best at standing strong when the wind blows. We used sugar lumps, Lego, lollipop sticks, marshmallows and cocktail sticks and drinking straws to build our houses. Then we turned on a fan to blow wind just like the Big Bad Wolf huffed and puffed at the three little pigs houses. We found that the house made of Lego bricks was the strongest and the house made of marshmallows and cocktail sticks easily blew down. We had lots of fun during our science investigation this week 😁

Houses and Homes art work and iPad task 😊
