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Safer Internet Day

Tuesday 6th February was Safer Internet Day. We talked about different things we can do online e.g. watch videos, play games, buy different items, talk to our friends. We read a story about Mo and Jaz. These two friends loved playing together and watching videos on you tube. On one occasion the video they were watching finished and another video started to play, but it was a scary video and one which Mo and Jaz knew they shouldn’t be watching. We talked about how the felt and what they should do. In the story Mo and Jaz told dad about the scary video, and he was able to make sure the iPads security settings to keep the children safe when online. Dad also explained to Mo and Jaz that they did the right thing in telling him about the scary video. We also talked about differences between two pictures, and how the pictures changed from one to the other e.g. summer clothes to winter clothes, no battery to full battery. We talked about how the internet changes all the time. We must always remember to tell an adult if we see something bad or something that makes us scared or sad when we are online.
